Wednesday, November 02, 2005

400,000 free resumes

Jobvertise now boasts the world's largest FREE resume database! (At this writing, 400,000 and counting.) All of the resumes are entered directly on the Jobvertise web site by active job-seekers. To quote, "We do not import stale resumes from other sites to artificially inflate our numbers. These are resumes you won't easily find elsewhere..."

Worth a peek: Click here to see for yourself

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Cool Tool Alert!

Advanced Searchbar enables you to search more than 99 search engines and databases with this customizable search toolbar for Internet Explorer. It eliminates pop-ups, adds home page protection, and provides a screen saver launcher, file shredder, 78 free games, automatic form filler and RSS news feed ticker. Includes Web page translation for 12 languages, 69 news providers, 38 mail providers, browser tracks remover for cleaning cookies, cache, auto-fill, history, temporary directory, typed URLs, MRU file list, recycle bin and clipboard. Zoom in and out of Web pages, and auto-highlight search terms. Also includes driving directions, weather lookup, movie times, MyYahoo! links and access to blog hosts

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD: Advanced Searchbar - Advanced Toolbar with more features than the Google toolbar, Yahoo toolbar, MSN toolbar combined

Monday, October 31, 2005

Wow! You can buy anything on Ebay!!!

Did you know that you can buy searchengines on EBay? The winning bid on an Award-Winning Metasearch Searchengine -Jux2 was US $101,100.00 !!! Wow! I wonder who the confidential bidder was? I wonder if we can expect big things from Jux2. I have played around with Jux2 in the past and although I was somewhat wowed, it managed to slip from my attention (until now). I think I will poke around a bit with it now and see what goodies I can find. Oh! For those who are not hip to Jux2, here is a snippet from their Ebay page describing some of the more intriguing features of their engine. Go to to see all of the functionality. Some things we’ll highlight here are as follows: Combines data from Google, Yahoo, and Ask Jeeves to determine the best overall search results. You can configure jux2 to sort results however you want to. Right now it sorts search result URLs according to the sum of rankings from the three engines. (For example, a URL ranked #2 by Google, Yahoo, and Jeeves would have a total score of 6 and would show up in jux2’s results before a URL ranked #4 by Google and Yahoo but #1 by Jeeves). You’ll find it easy to add MSN to the mix. Instructions on how to do this are included in the “how to maintain jux2” guide. We’ve already developed a four engine UI. Allows you to see what your usual search engine is missing or has that others don’t. This is a very cool feature of great value to power searchers, and most better known meta search engines still don’t offer it. Select your “usual engine” on the home page, and run a Jux2 query. You’ll see a toolbar on the results page that allows you to view: (1) what your usual search engine is missing, (2) what only your usual search engine found, and (3) only the results of your usual search engine. Uses clever grouping algorithms to keep duplicate URLs from cluttering results. One tricky problem in meta search is getting your engine to recognize that and point to the same site. That’s a simple example. Many more complex ones abound. Anyway, try several searches to see how we’ve solved this for you. Has a browser toolbar button that operates in two modes: “normal” and “extra cool.” In “normal” mode when you click on the browser button a dialog box opens allowing you to launch a search on jux2. In “extra cool” mode, when you click the button from, say, a Google search results page, jux2 will show you results for that search that are found on Yahoo and Ask Jeeves but not on Google. Try this to see how cool it is.

Googling blog searches

I have been talking about blogs a lot this month, so why stop now? Here is another tip for getting the most out of blogs. Are you familiar with Google's Blog Search tool? If not, check this out...

Say I wanted to find a lead for a C++ developer and I figure that someone who blogs about C++ is someone I want to talk to. Sooooo I hop over to Google's Blog Search and type in C++. This is what I get (see below).

I get a list of blogs focused on C++ specificly (and results where C++ is mentioned somewhere in a blog post across several blogs. Cute and a decent return of results, but I want more. Undaunted I use my Digability skills, experiment and come up with the following notes on how to make my searches in Google's blogsearch better. Ladies and gentleman, this be the secret sauce...

inposttitle:algorithm This command searches the titles of every blogpost Google has indexed for a particular keyword. (In this case, algorithm.)

inurl:java This command searches blog addresses for a particular keyword. (In this case “Java”)

inpostauthor:jimstroud This command searches for blog entries written by a particular writer. (In this case, me!) This command searches for all blog entries cited on a particular blog. (In this case, my blog - “Jobseekers Revenge.”)

inblogtitle:jobs This command searches the blog titles of every blog Google has indexed - but you figured that out already. (In this case, blogs with the word “jobs” in their titlle.)

NOTE: I noticed that some of the commands do not play well together. For example, using the “inblogtitle” and “inpostauthor” commands together did not seem to work (at this writing). However, using “inpostuthor” and “inblogtitle” or “inblogtitle” with “inurl” presented no problems.

Let’s play with a few strings, shall we?

inpostauthor:java blogurl:java *This brings back blogs written by people who have “java” in their screen name and list “java” in the address of the blog.

inblogtitle:engineer inurl:engineering *This brought back blogs with enginnering in the title of the blog and in the adress. At this writing, most of the results were engineering jobs.

inpostauthor:jim stroud *This brought back 186 of my most recent blogposts. Wow! I did not know I was so busy.

yahoo inpostauthor:jeremy *This brings back mentions of the term “Yahoo” written by (any) blogger named Jeremy. Hope this helps you with your sourcing!


[If you like what I give away, you will love what I charge for! Check out: Digability: The Recruiter's Guide to the Internet]